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Writer's pictureMotor City Axe

AXEessment - Discover which tool is best for you!

Are you new to the world of axes and hatchet? Not sure what to buy for yourself? Or what to buy as a gift for someone else? Maybe you don't know which tool is best for a certain task or type of camping trip?

We field these types of questions from potential customers all the time!

"My grandson is turning 15, which size hatchet is best for camping?"

"My husband has some huge logs to split. Do you have an axe for that?"

"I'm going on my first camping trip. What axe do you recommend?"

Well, we've got you covered. Introducing the new Motor City Axe AXEessment.

Find the tool thats best for you!

We'll ask who the tool is intended for, if you're familiar with edge tools and what the desired use of the axe or hatchet is.

We've hopefully made your life easier and eliminated your axe purchasing headache!

Once you've completed the AXEessment, jump into the shop and purchase your new or vintage axe HERE.

Sample AXEessment Question

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