Most people buy our axes as gifts, to use in the yard, chop bonfire wood or hang over the fireplace mantel. But we do have some customers who put them to work in real-life situations.
A customer emailed in sharing the below message. We were so touched by this and were granted permission to share this incredible story.

Dear Motor City Axe Team,
I hope this email finds you doing well and feeling proud of the amazing products you create. I am writing to express my deepest gratitude for your contribution to a life-saving rescue mission.
Recently, I was on a mission to assist an injured hiker who was on a remote trail. The only accessible route to the hiker was a narrow fire road that was overgrown. I brought along the Motor City Axe in my backpack and was pleased to find it made clearing the path much easier.
The sharpness and balance of the axe made the task much easier and quicker, and most importantly, it helped us reach the hiker in time. The hiker is now safe and recovering, thanks to the crucial role your axe played in this mission.
I cannot thank you enough for creating such a lifesaving tool. Your support has made a difference and will forever be remembered. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for all that you do.
A big shout out to our first responder and rescuers! Thank you for what you do! We are honored to have been able to assist in this rescue. From time to time, we get questions about our axes functionality - "Your hatchets are so beautiful & unique. I assume they can't be used, right ?" Wrong! They are sharp. You can use them. And yes, this story solidifies that!